Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Storing Children's Artwork

Dear Creative Mama,
Can you think of a creatively clever way of storing children's artwork? We have 3 long strings and clothes pins on their wall, but my daughter is prolific in her artwork, and really doesn't want to part with anything. It's a volume problem.
No room on the wall,

Dear LHO,
Even though my little girl cannot create wonderful pieces of artwork yet (I'm sure she will soon!), I've thought about what to do when she does! I don't get any kickbacks for suggesting these products, but these frames from dynamic FRAMES that open to show the latest masterpieces and keep older works right behind it look like a wonderful solution. They come in a few sizes and they store and display the art! If you don't want to spend quite as much money I'm sure a shadowbox would work wonderfully as well (and you can get 40% off at Michaels).

1 comment:

  1. What I did was purchase a scrapbook and I glue each picture in per page, it works really well... Its clean and it helps limit the stacks of paper.
